JanZou analyst, programmer

Priority Queue——Binary heap

实现优先队列(priority queue)的一种经典的方式是使用一个叫二叉堆(binary heap)的数据结构。二叉堆实际上是一棵完全二叉树,且满足堆的性质。它对于插入和查找操作的时间复杂度都是O(logn)

二叉堆画出来像树,但实际上内部实现起来只需要使用数组。二叉堆有两种常见形式:最小堆(min heap)——对于堆中每个节点(除根节点), 其父结点的值小于其值;最大堆(max heap)——对于堆中每个节点(除根节点), 其父结点的值小于其值。

Binary Heap Operation

  • BinaryHeap() creates a new,empty,binary heap
  • insert(k) adds a new item to the heap
  • findMin() returns the item with the minimum key value, leaving item in the heap
  • delMin() returns the item with the minimum key value, removing the item from the heap
  • isEmpty() returns true if the heap is empty, false otherwise
  • size() returns the number of items in the heap
  • buildHeap(list) builds a new heap from a list of keys


class BinHeap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.heapList = [0]
        self.currentSize = 0

    def percUp(self, i):
        while i // 2 > 0:
            if self.headList[i] < self.headList[i // 2]:
                self.heapList[i//2], self.heapList[i] = self.heapList[i], self.heapList[i//2]
            i = i // 2

    def insert(self, k):
        self.currentSize = self.currentSize + 1

    def percDown(self, i):
        while (i * 2) <= self.currentSize:
            mc = self.minChild(i)
            if self.headList[i] > self.headList[mc]:
                self.heapList[i], self.headList[mc] = self.heapList[mc], self.heapList[i]
            i = mc

    def minChild(self, i):
        if i * 2 + 1 > self.currentSize:
            return i * 2
            if self.headList[ i * 2 ] < self.headList[i * 2 + 1]:
                return i * 2
                return i * 2 + 1

     def delMin(self):
         retval = self.headList[1]
         self.headList[1] = self.headList[self.currentSize]
         self.currentSize = self.currentSize - 1
         return retval

     def buildHeap(self, alist):
         i = len(alist) // 2
         self.currentSize = len(alist)
         self.headList = [0] + alist[:]
         while ( i > 0 ):
             i = i - 1